Employees do not leave Organisations; they leave Managers…
People don’t leave jobs; they leave toxic work cultures…
1 in 4 employees have been diagnosed with depression (According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group)

Given this reality, the role of leaders is dramatically evolving. Within the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) climate that organisations are faced with, leaders are increasingly being called upon to act as coaches.

Where it was previously acceptable for leaders to adopt a command and control style, they are now expected to be inspirational yet humble, co-creating the way forward with their direct reports, and encouraging them towards their best selves. In fact, it is now being said that “coaching is the leadership style of the future”.

The “leader as coach” phenomenon supports organizational goals for practicing leadership at all levels and creating environments where people feel empowered to step into their power, contribute their unique perspectives, and act quickly without awaiting guidance from their managers.

This module is a way of working with the leader’s style, imparting skills that allow them to lead their teams more effectively and impactfully in environments where change and complexity has become the norm.