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A message of hope in turbulent times

  • Post category:News

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings” Lao Tzu

What we’re witnessing now in SA are the dying embers of corruption and criminality. Many of us are left feeling ashamed, scared, hopeless and angry, but the truth is that one of the most powerful nations in the world experienced an attack on Capital Hill. What was considered unthinkable happened while Americans reeled from the shock and anger of the event trying to mobilise themselves to respond appropriately. We recall the race riots in the UK where many people died and anarchy reigned in the streets of one of the oldest democracies of the world. So too, was SA caught largely unprepared for the looting and criminality that gripped our country in a state of fear and disbelief.

Chatting to many of my clients, many of them said “I feel ashamed to be a South African today, I wish I lived somewhere else”. What happened is disgraceful and unacceptable, but we need to take a larger view at this time. A corrupt president (who is now in jail) has used his powers to mobilise negative and destructive forces in an attempt to destabilise our country. But he has not succeeded because the average South African wants a better life for their children, we stand for law and order, we stand for the values that Mandela, Tambo, fought so hard for. The way in which communities have fought back to protect our hospitals, neighbourhoods, shopping malls are testimony you will not take our country, or corrupt our lives.

Be proud South Africa. This week, you showed who you are!

by Gail Cameron