Firewalking: Five takeaways for leaders
When we are brave enough to venture into the space of the spirit, the breakthroughs and insights are always tremendous. The thing about firewalking is that you’ll at most do it a few times in your life. In contrast, growing in spiritual awareness is something you can benefit from every day.
Leading in a Digital Age
Although most of us know that commanding and pace-setting styles of leadership are passé, leading in a digital age is a delicate balance between EQ and “making it happen”. Change…
Taking people from here to there: the importance of clarity of direction
An informal definition of leadership is that it’s about taking people on a journey from the present to a specific point in the future. By implication, it means that we…
We are not our circumstances
In my reflections with a coaching client at the start of this year, I was fascinated by what she has achieved during very difficult global times. I was reminded again:…
Instilling Hope – the Sine Qua Non of Leadership
We thought that 2019 was a challenging year but 2020 has not been a walk in the park. Apart from the obvious political instability and economic turmoil, Bloomberg rating SA…