Why Women Still Fill Less Executive Leadership Positions
The glass ceiling, it appears, has not been broken. Women still fill less than 15% of executive leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies and make up just 3.6% of CEO’s.…
The glass ceiling, it appears, has not been broken. Women still fill less than 15% of executive leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies and make up just 3.6% of CEO’s.…
Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.” 21st Century leadership, more than ever before, is…
Successful organisations have effective leaders. Effective leaders today are authentic, have emotional and social intelligence competencies, are vulnerable and bold in leading their teams. Leading in The Fourth Industrial Revolution…
The role of leaders, as we know it, is dramatically evolving. Within the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) climate that organisations are faced with, leaders are being called upon to…
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